Want to order a custom MR shaped by the 4x Surfing World Champion himself?
To start the process, download a Custom Order Form here, purchase a Slimes Newcastle Gift Card as the deposit (minimum $300) and e-mail your completed order form/gift card to newcastlestore@slimes.com.au!
If you would like some help filling out your order from please contact us via the "Chat with us" Button, emailing newcastlestore@slimes.com.au, or calling the shop on 0249613088
*Shaping photos by Newcastle legend and friend of the shop Bosko
Custom Order Form
Please leave blank
Mark Richards!

All of MR's models are on our website where stock dimensions/volumes are displayed, along with the price for a clear/standard finish board (please note prices vary by size for some models). Customs boards from MR are only available in classic PU construction
The available models are:
- 1980 Retro Pro Twin
- 1982 Retro Round Tail Twin
- 1979 Single Fin
- Mid-Length Twin
- Scalded Cat Twin
- Puffer Twin
- California Twin
- California Twin Pin
- Super Twin
- Turbo Twin
- Flying Fish
- Bushranger 3 (Available with a Round, Squash or Swallow Tail)
- Bushranger Step-Up
- Bushranger Gun (Available with a Pin or Swallow Tail)
If you would like to make some adjustments to the stock dimensions that's no problem at all, please leave one of width/thickness/or volume blank.
Eg. 6'0" x 20 1/2" x 2 3/4" - ?, 6'2 x ? x 2 3/4 - 41.0L
We also recommend not straying more than 1/2" change in width and 1/4" in thickness from stock dims. MR has spent a lot of time refining all of his models and with big changes you run the risk of ruining an amazing board!

Shaping Details
Any notes you would like to add for MR, and if you would like your name on the stringer next to the dimensions - "Mark Richards for <insert name>"
Decals are set per model - please see product photos for the set-up on your board
Standard glassing on most of MR's (and most manufacturers) models is Deck: 4+4oz, Bottom: 4oz with no tail patch or carbon
Exceptions to this as standard are;
- Boards >6'6" - Deck: 6+4oz, Bottom: 4oz
- Bushranger Step-Up - Deck: 6+4oz, Bottom: 6oz
- Bushranger Guns - Deck: 6+6oz, Bottom: 6oz
Standard glassing is a good guide but if you would like a lighter board (weaker but more high-performance, especially in smaller waves) or a heavier board (stronger but less responsive) the options are:
- Deck: 4oz, Bottom: 4oz (Extremely light, will go incredible but much easier to snap/buckle)
- Deck: 4+4oz, Bottom: 4oz (Standard glassing for most shortboards)
- Deck: 4+4oz, Bottom: 6oz (No reduction in foot-ding-ability, but harder to break than standard)
- Deck: 6+4oz, Bottom: 6oz (Second strongest, a great option for waves 6-10ft)
- Deck: 6+6oz, Bottom: 6oz (Strong and heavy! Usually for missive waves or the surfer willing to sacrifice performance for maximum strength - +$75)
Carbon Patches: strips of carbon on the rails of the tail to add ding protection for the heavy footed surfer and stiffen flex through the tail (+$65)
Tail Patch: an extra patch of 4oz cloth over the tail on the deck to add ding protection for the heavy footed surfer

Both FCSII and Futures are available along with Glassed on Twin Fins (+$195) and Single Fins (+$195). Please note MR's Twin Fin sets are only available in FCSII
The standard set-ups (but may be changed) per model are:
- All Twin Fins - Twin + Stabiliser
- Flying Fish*/Bushranger Set-Up/Bushranger Gun - 5-Fin (Thruster/Quad Option)
- Bushranger 3 - 3-Fin (Thruster)
- 1979 Single Fin - Glassed on Single or a Fin Box
*The Flying Fish is also available as a Twin + Stabiliser
Two options - a standard wet and dry finish or a Gloss Polish (+$299)
Please see below for available sprays which are deck-only as standard, if you would like top and bottom spray they are also available (simply add the costs together for your spray total). In most cases it is ok to change the colours in a stock spray and solid colour top and bottom is also available
Resin Tints are also available! (+$299)
If you would like to be specific regarding shade please provide a code from the Dulux Colour Atlas (it will never be the perfect shade as paint changes colour slightly when it hits a blank and after glassing, but will give Darren a good guide)